
Is the Cloud a Good Idea?

The Internet cloud is a great idea isn't it?

Software online, storage online, technical staff online. Software updated without the need to know it or even do anything about it.

Shangri La solution isn't it!

Well, everything has an Achilles heel doesn't it? Yes, is the answer. In my case the Achilles heel is my BT broadband connection. It is very slow and it is unstable. I have been complaining and have met engineers, had long conversations on the phone ...

Last week, the latest engineer of engineers left me a brand new router/hub. This evening my connection dropped completely and the techie on the phone said it is probably because the hub is broken.

Smart solution to leave me with a broken hub.

Why mention this, though? My book is almost complete: 570 pages written and just the index to complete. Hear this: I decided to keep it in the cloud using Dropbox so that I could easily access it from anywhere ... crap idea!

Fortunately, I also save backups locally and have TWO up to date copies on my system.

I am not impressed.


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