
Definition of reshuffle

On the news for the last two days we have been hearing that Gordon Brown, the new Prime Minister of the UK, has been reshuffling his cabinet. Here is the definition of reshuffle from the Concise Oxford English Dictionary:



n     verb

1     interchange the positions of (members of a team, especially government ministers).

2     rearrange.

n     noun an act of reshuffling.


Now, since this is Brown's FIRST ever cabinet arrangement, please explain to me how it can possibly comprise a reshuffle. I think it ranks as an arrangement or, much more sensibly, Mr Brown's first cabinet team!



Still not well

I promised some deep and detailed feedback on my latest trip but I am only now coming round to anything like normal. Tomorrow I should post something on my illness at least.




What a performance

Just got back from a very eventful trip to Dubai and Oman. Dubai was exceptionally hot and by the time I left there I am afraid I had no strength in my three says in Muscat to do any touring. I was also working there too and didn't have the time either.


More later when I will reveal some of the fun and frolics.