
... and the tax man taketh!

That's done now, then! I paid my corporation tax today. Big wrench.

Duty done, however!



Woke like a zombie this morning ... showered like a zombie ... breakfast like a zombie ... gradually woke up after an hour or so!

I should sleep well tonight and then be on top form for the rest of my two weeks here!



En Route

I am sat sitting here in an airport lounge waiting for my next flight. My bank account provides me with an airport lounge access card and it works!

So I can come into a lounge, sit back, relax and enjoy the peace ... and food and drink if necessary.

Boarding just announced.

Au revoir!



Afternoon Tea ... first rate service

I am just finishing afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason in Piccadilly. High quality everything and first rate service. Excellent setting too!


Lego ... extraordinary

As I walked past Hamley's in Regent's Street the other evening, I saw this image and just had to stop and snap it.

Her Majesty done in Lego bricks.

Takes me a year to finish a jigsaw!!



Paralympics too!

And don't forget the Paralympics ... countdown clock from yesterday ...



Landan innit!

I have taken a lot of video footage today and not many photos. Here's one of the Tower of Big Ben from an unusual angle!!

Here's the Olympics countdown clock in Trafalfar Square too.


Biodegradable ... what?

Strange but true! It's interesting what one learns when just chatting.

Last night I heard about the Eco friendly biodegradable potty. Yes. Potty.

It's a cracking idea and you can see it here: http://www.becothings.com/newbornpotty.html

There are other such products too that might be worthy of your attention!

You (probably) heard it first here!!



My garden this morning

Goodness ... the weather is warm and sunny in Halifax today. So I took a look in the garden and this is what I have found:

a daddy long legs ... zoom in to see its eyes!
four nascent cherries ... looks like this is will be this year's crop
the apple tree ... not sure whether this plant is sick or not ... what do you think?
the raspberry tree seems healthy
the blackberry tree is very slow to get going but I THINK I can see a new bud now.

Duncan Makes More Bread!