
Reddy the Dog

He was sick for just two days but in that time Reddy, our not quite 6 months old labrador retriever, deteriorated so quickly he couldn't be saved. The vet seemed good and we cannot and will not blame him.

The blame lies with the flea or tick that bit him and gave him whatever it was that killed him.

In true parasite style, we noticed that very soon after Reddy had died, these insects started crawling out of his fur. We had seen a couple of those fleas on him over time but we had no idea what they could do.

Anyway, nice dog, fantastic temperament. Just not meant to be with us very long.

The photo comes from the day we collected him.


Reddy Hospitalised

We were watching Reddy all day and whilst he was very iffy, he seemed to be improving slowly. Then he had a catastrophic event where he passed a lot of blood. That turned his situation into an emergency. We cleaned the place up, washed the poor lad and set off for the local vet. The vet is a young man and seemed very confident and competent. Shaving the leg to get the drip in, finding the vein, injecting various chemicals and taking blood for a blood test ... They kept him overnight and as we left he was just a floppy doormat on the floor. We called this morning and he has not vomited any more but his poo is still flowing. He is rehydrated now and behaving a bit livelier ... so that's good. I will report back later: we should bring him home this evening. DW


I got the cat and the Horned Beetle

Here are a couple of lovely photos of Ginger the cat. I thought you might also like to see the horned beetle that seemed to be losing the will to live around the back of the house this morning too. All photos taken with a macro lens! DW

Reddy the Dog is Sick

Reddy the dog is sick: not looking good for him at the moment. Small progress overnight and he is taking water. But, he still feels the need to get into the house to share his little messages when he can! Spread the joy!! Looks bad but he has been locked out and on the patio all morning!! DW

Tiny Kitten Becomes Less Tiny Kitten!

Ginger the kitten has taken to eating meat and fish and prefers it to the condensed milk and egg solution we used to make for her: we put her food on a plate and she walks all over it: fish face, fish neck, fish feet. As she spreads the food about she thinks she finished it and comes wailing that she's still hungry. So, we push everything back into one lump, put her back on the plate and off she goes again!! She put on 20 grammes from Sunday to Monday and that's excellent. She really is thriving now and is around 250 grammes. The funniest thing Ginger does is to see her own reflection in a glass cupboard door and then start looking for the other cat!! I held the shiny side of a DVD in front of her the other day and she dashed behind it to find that other cat! DW