
These 1,000 People who Rule the World

Anyone who comes here and to my Facebook page knows that I think the British Foreign Secretary, a certain W (Billy the Beer) Gaygue is less than a full shilling. I was astounded to see in a poll in the Economist that more people think that he would be a good replacement for Faux PM Cameron if Cameron were to step down than any other senior Tory politician. This is astounding because Gaygue is a serial nonentity albeit one who has done very well for himself.

Gaygue’s track record includes wandering around his home town at the age of 14 telling people how he was going to be prime minister; his time at the Oxford Union in which he incompetently mismanaged a simple ballot; his far right leaning tendencies in Europe; his “gay incidents” during the last election campaign; his schoolboy style announcement that he and his equivalents around the world set world foreign policy by text message (lol); his claim that Gaddafi had fled to Venezuela; the SAS debacle in Libya … and on and on.

Yet on the news this morning, there he was spouting some nonsense analysis about the UN Libya no fly zone pronouncement that a 16 year old studying politics would have been ashamed of.

Then again, have you seen that Clinton woman recently? Wild eyes, hair a complete mess, clothes looking like Bill has slept in them.

These two people are unfit to lead yet look at the positions they are in.




It’s in the Stars

On my iPod I installed an app called APOD: astronomy picture of the day. Go to apod.nasa.gov to sign up for this free service. Every day, almost anyway, I receive a new photo from space. Many of these photos are outrageously fabulous. Here are links to just three of them.

Two of the photos I have chosen appeal to me as much from a photographer’s point of view as an astronomer’s point of view. The third photo is not new but it’s just such a nice image of the moon.

Time Lapse Photographs



The Moon
