
Dear BBC it's Milan not Meelan

I am dreading it! Man Spew have drawn a team from Milan in the European Champions League competition and I know, just know, that for some reason the sports reporters at the BBC will pronounce it MEElan.

I know people from Milan and I have asked them, just how do you pronounce the name? They ALL say Milan ... slight accent on the A and not one of them has said Meelan in the slightest.

Please, please spare us from your nonsense pronunciation.


Terry Wogan Retires: at last!

I've never had much of a kind word to say about Wogan. He never appealed to me I'm afraid. I've just skimmed the headlines of a couple of articles in the Daily Mail and that rag was fulsome in its praise. I found him boring, pointless and condescending. I found his television Parky take off interview programme risible.

I thought he ruined the Eurovision Song Contest by taking it beyond the desperate state it could quite easily have got itself into without his nonsense smart alek remarks. One good thing has come out of Wogan's retirement from this contest: it's 1,000% unwatchable now as that Graham Norton takes over from next year. Eugh!

The bad news? Apparently, even though he's 71 years old, he'll be back next year. Thank goodness I never listen to any station that he's on!

The tin hat on all of this? I believe Wogan charges a fee for appearing on Children in Need. Like that woofter, no he isn't, yes he is, Dale Winton: charging fees for what are essentially charity events. Indefensible.

If you're a Wogan fan, good luck to you!



End of year message

You don't have to be the Queen of England to want to say goodbye to the old and welcome to the new so I've done it as well.

Take a look at http://www.duncanwil.co.uk/old_new/old_new.htm

For web purists, I know there are a few rules being broken by that page: no indication of who I am, no menu or return button, no date although I do name the years ...

Merry Christmas anyway!



Go on have a Laugh!

Try this, it really works. You’ll laugh your socks off.

Using a Windows Vista computer put it to sleep via the Start button (so that you can start working quickly). Then wake it up cos you want to start working quickly. That’s the funny part. See what I mean? It didn’t work did it? Mwuahahaha! Mwuahahaha!

Try it on another computer, same again eh?

Gets me every time that.

Thanks Bill Gates, you’re a real tonic.



Time for a change … using Kaspersky

I have been happily paying for and using AVG anti virus software programs for years now. However, the free trial period ran out last week on this HP laptop and rather stay with the nightmare Norton anti virus program I opted to try Kaspersky anti virus 2010.

Don’t know if I’ll see any differences but Kaspersky has always been very highly rated, as has AVG.

Anything untoward happens and you’ll certainly hear about it.



Sean Connery and Alan Shearer

Sean Connery

There’s an advert running wherever I go at the moment that features Sean Connery. Let me say that Connery is my all time favourite Bond, James Bond. Now, however, I think he is well past his sell by date. In the advert he is trying to convince us that the bank he is advertising is a green bank. His opening sentence is:

Time to get “back to common shenshe”! Thanksh Shaun, shome people will shee what you mean!

Alan Shearer

I was stunned when the BBC appointed Shearer as one of their football pundits. It doesn’t help that he was a Mag but that aside, his talents as a pundit are completely lacking and the passage of time does nothing to improve matters.

I just happened to stumble across an interview with Shearer and Dimitar Berbatov. Shearer began with this:

“Errrrrrm, Dimitar Berbatov …”

Mr Aticulate. Not. I have complained here before that journalists who are journalists because they are English language (or other language) graduates are not necessarily to be commended. The same with Shearer: an accomplished footballer but a journalist and pundit, come off it.

Berbatov speaks English to a high standard and he has just quoted the opening lines of a book that seems well beyond “The Sun’s Guide to Footy”. I wish they could have shown Shearer’s face at that point as it was probably intellectually way beyond him!

Sorry Shearer, not for me! There are many much more articulate former players, managers and the like in the game who should have got your job.