Firstly, 10 Excel Functions Everyone Should Know by Adam Lacey and Deborah Ashby. I prefer DGET to their INDEX-MATCH function but otherwise, this is a good start to learning the top 10. Top 10 Excel Functions
Then there is a REALLY useful PDF file The Definitive 100 Most Useful Excel Tips at
Finally and following on from the 100 must useful Excel tips, Marc Zao-Zanders gives us this, A 2x2 Matrix to Help You to Prioritise the Skills to Learn Right Now, here: This 2x2 matrix puts the 100 tips on a grid/graph to illustrate four quadrants:
- Decide whether you need to learn it
- Learn it as the chance arises
- Schedule a block of time for learning it
- Learn it right away
Marc says this, "You’ll find the quickest wins in the bottom-right quadrant, which we’ve labeled “Learn it right away.” In here we have time-saving shortcuts that can be applied frequently, like Ctrl-Y (redo) and F2 (edit cell) and a nice combination formula that cleanses your spreadsheet of errors (IF(ISERROR))." Of course, IF(ISERROR) is way out of date and should be replced by IFERROR()
Duncan Williamson
22nd December 2018