
You Can't Choose your Relatives!

OK, not exactly relatives but people with whom one is associated in some way! I know my haplogroup because I had my Y Chromosome DNA tested via the Genographic project and I found out that many thousands of years ago my family was Greek. How about that? Today I went back online to see if there had been any updates in terms of additions to the database and so on. Well, there hadn't but I found that I am from haplogroup E1b1b1 (M35) and that there are some famous people in the same group. Here they are:
  • Sewall Wright
  • George Stephanopoulos
  • Michelangelo
  • David Attenborough
  • William Harvey
  • Lyndon B Johnson
  • Zinedine Zedane
  • Adolf Hitler ... ta daaa!
  • Wolfgang Schniederman
  • Walter Schniederhan
  • Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
  • John C Calhoun
POSSIBLE members:
  • Albert Einstein
  • William Henry Lancaster
  • Ilya Efron
  • Mussolini
The proportions of racial/ethnic groups within this haplogroup:
  • East Africans 70%
  • Southern Europeans 25%
  • Moroccan 90%
  • Balkans 50%
  • Jews 35%
There you go and I know, there are some I've never heard of either! DW