
Intellectual Joke in German

I love listening to Bach's Christmas Oratorio at, erm, Christmas. I listen to a German version and it starts with what sounds like Joseph O Lopez. So I sing along to Joseph O Lopez. Eventually curiosity got the better of me and I checked the real text and Joseph O Lopez is really Jauchzet, frohlocket! Jauchzet, frohlocket! means shout for joy, rejoice! Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage, Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan! Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage, Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an! Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören, Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren! Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day, praise what today the highest has done! Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation, begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation! Serve the highest with glorious choirs, let us honour the name of our ruler! Thank you http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Texts/BWV248-1-Eng3.htm and I wonder what happened to Joseph O Lopez, then? DW