Just had my normal breakfast in the dining room and I was being treated well by the waiter as I was the only guest there. So life went on and. As I got to buttering my toast I asked the waiter if they had any Marmite; ever keen to please, he dashed to another table looked at whatever was there and, with a smile, lifted a small jar and brought it over to me. Marmalade. I said thank you! He HAD answered my question: no, they don't have any Marmite; but he hadn't understand my question.
Never mind, just a little story and no harm done!
I realise that some people come to this blog who will have no idea of the difference between Marmite and Marmalade: the following two links should help!
Marmite: http://www.marmite.com/love/
Marmalade: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/marmalade