Torchwood … now what is that all about?
I get the impression it’s a very popular programme on British television. I have seen one episode on BBC World and some trailers and documentaries telling us how the special effects work. In my opinion it’s probably only second to Top Gear in its crassness.
Tell me you disagree but it’s pretty amateur to me.
Top Gear! Today I happened to see that long haired girl flying a barrage balloon with a caravan strapped to it. It was flying out of control and when it floated across Norwich Airport’s live runways and air space I felt the time had come to close that stupid programme. As the girly presenter was imploring them not to scramble the police helicopter, he crashed into a wood and the shame of it is that he wasn’t even hurt a little bit.
Call it nonsense entertainment with cars and a girly presenter, a small unfunny man and Jeremy “Jemima Puddleduck” Clarkson the utterly untalented and that’s fine. To pretend that Top Gear is anything else is an insult.