My First LAMBDA()


LAMBDA() functions are relatively new to Excel and I have used them in this format: BYCOL(data,LAMBDA(column,FUNCTION(column))) and MAP and SCAN and a couple more. I use them to create dynamic descriptive statistics tables because it makes them dynamic AND it is so easy to do. This post, then, starts by showing you how to create a table of descriptive statistics and then it shows you the very first real LAMBDA() function of my own that I did yesterday!

What follows is an example of the use of the BYCOL()/LAMBDA() Function that is then followed by my own LAMBDA() Function. 

Example: Descriptive Statistics

We can use the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel to create a table of Descriptive Statistics for a variable and it's fine BUT it is a static table which means that if the data change, the statistics don't. That then means we need to run the descriptive statistics utility again. Boring! It's even worse when we create a table of descriptive statistics for several variables at the same time: in that case, we start by seeing this:

Identify the variables and range you want to use and then Data, Data Analysis, Descriptive Statistics

Once you click OK, you see the output. The messy output:

The row headers are repeated for every variable and the column headers are above those row headers and not the data! Weird. Anyway, we can easily make them look good. A waste of effort, though!

Using the BYCOL() LAMBDA() Function

I already have a page and a YouTube video on the application of the BYCOL() function as applied to descriptive statistics. Please take a look at that page and then come back here for more thoughts!

I will start you off with the current examples, though, just to set the scene and to encourage you to work again with BYCOL().

Instead of going through all of the Data Analysis ToolPak rigmarole every time you update your input data, do this:

Start by selecting your data and creating a range name for it: I chose data for my range name

Set up your output table:

Then type this in cell E15


and when you press enter you will see this:

Refer to my other page now, if you need more guidance.

What is a LAMBDA Function and How to Create Them?

The LAMBDA function in Excel is a powerful feature that enables you to define custom, reusable functions directly within Excel formulas. Introduced in recent versions of Excel, the LAMBDA function allows for creating more modular, concise, and understandable formulas.

Basic Structure

The LAMBDA function has the following structure:

LAMBDA([parameter1, parameter2, ...], calculation)

Parameters: These are placeholders you define, representing the inputs your custom function will use. You can specify any number of parameters.

Calculation: This is the expression or calculation that the LAMBDA function will execute using the provided parameters.

Key Features

Reusability: Once defined, a LAMBDA function can be saved as a named function and reused throughout your workbook, just like any other Excel function.

Modularity: You can build complex formulas in a step-by-step manner, enhancing readability and maintenance.

Recursion: LAMBDA functions can call themselves, allowing for powerful recursive operations. However, recursion must have proper exit conditions to avoid infinite loops.

Example Usage

Here are four examples of how to use a LAMBDA() function in Excel

Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius

Taking just one of those examples, how to convert a Fahrenheit temperature to a Celsius temperature. The formula is the formula you see at the bottom of the following screenshot:


What we have done here is to tell LAMBDA to assign a temp value or temporary value that it can find in a cell somewhere and do this

Divide 5 by 9

Multiply the answer to that by subtracting 32 from the temp value.

For example, 104 degrees F becomes

5/9=0.555555555 recurring

(104-32) = 72

104F = 0.555555555*72 C = 40 C

What we are seeing in the screenshot is how we store our LAMBDA() function as our own Excel Function that we can use at any time in this workbook.

Create your LAMBDA() function … =LAMBDA(temp,(5/9)*(temp-32))

Formulas è Name Manager è New è complete the dialogue box below, the screenshot

Click OK

From the screenshot above that shows the four different examples, enter 104 in cell D3 and in cell E3 type =ToCelsius(D3) and Press Enter

Answer = 40 … Celsius … Done!. Repeat for the values in cells D4:D7

LAMBDA() Formulas

Here are the LAMBDA() formulas for the other examples in my list of four:

A+1 =LAMBDA(x,x+1) … I called it MyLambda()

F to C =LAMBDA(temp,(5/9)*(temp-32))  … I called it ToCelsius()

Hypotenuse =LAMBDA(a,b, SQRT((a^2+b^2))) … I called it Hypotenuse()

Count Words =LAMBDA(text, LEN(TRIM(text)) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(text), " ", "")) + 1) … I called it CountWords()

Your Own Excel Function

By using the Name Manager approach, you have created your own User Defined Function for that workbook. Whenever you use that workbook, you can use your own Function, MYLambda(), ToCelcius(), Hypotenuse(), CountWords() ...

Can you see how these formulas work?

We tell LAMBDA the one or more variables to use: call them a, b, c, … or x, y, z … or temp

To create the formula or logic that will solve your problem, and make sure to use a, b, c or x, y, x or temp in that formula as parameters and then create your functions using the Name Manager routine above.

Another Example … for you to do

Let's say you want to create a custom function to calculate the area of a circle. Normally, you would calculate this with the formula π * radius^2. With LAMBDA, you can define a reusable function.

Think about this for a moment … try it yourself. Then check my answers at the bottom of this post.


Customization: Tailor functions to your specific needs without requiring VBA or external scripts.

Clarity: Break down complex operations into simpler, named steps.

Collaboration: Share your custom functions with others by sharing the workbook, enhancing collaborative efforts.

The LAMBDA function essentially extends Excel's capabilities by allowing you to define functions that behave like native functions, offering flexibility and enhancing the functional programming capabilities within Excel.


The syntax for a LAMBDA function 

=LAMBDA ( [parameter1, parameter2, …,] calculation)

In my case, my LAMBDA function has the sole purpose of finding the Payback Period from the Project 1-4 inputs we have been discussing and it looks like this:


Simple! What it is telling us is that in the range H15:H20 you will find the input data relating to Projects 1 to 3, as you can see below:

You need to download and open my file to understand what I have done here since the LAMBDA Function Results shown above relate to just one of the four projects I have included here: Project 1 in this case. That's because I have set up my model as a Scenario Model in which I check each project one by one.

Here are the results of projects 2, 3 and 4, as well: as Project 1 and I have used Excel's Scenario Manager to help me to input the data and then present the output in a logical way:

The results we are looking for are in rows 14:20 and they tell us that the Payback Period (PB) for each project are, in years

Project 1 2.7242 

Project 2 3.2714

Project 3 4.3956 AND 4.4530

Project 4 4.12

To make this work, we set up the LAMBDA() function and create our PBPeriod function from there, by using Formulas, Name Manager:

What we have done here is set up the formula that we use on a row by row basis in Excel to test for and find the Payback Period for each project and when we do that, we use four input values: a, b, c, d, which are the year the cumulative cash flow and the cash flow for the year following the year for which we are estimating the Payback period. Please note, a, b, c, d are as defined in this formula and only for this formula: they are not defined for use in anyother function of formula: unless, of course, you have also set them up as range names.

To make this work, we set up our working sheet and output column as we have already seen under the heading of LAMBDA Function Results, with our own, newly created used designed function PBPeriod, which we enter in cell L15 and that SPILLS down automatically:


If you prefer, you can amend that formula as follows, to show all results in the same cell:


Work through my Excel file, link below. Make yourself familiar with what I have done and make sure you can make it work.


For this example, for these projects, this is a LAMBDA() function to mimics my manually devised function that I have been using for years for this case exercise. All that my new formula does is that is translates my manually created formula into LAMBDA() style and returns the answers I need. By wrapping MIN() around my LAMBDA() function, I get a slightly more direct result.

If you do not want to use the Scenario Manager, you can use, for example, one or more of the Form Controls that we can find on the Developer tab or by using Data Validation. I have not created such alternatives at the time of writing but if and when I do, I will share them here.

Download my file

Duncan Williamson

28th April 2024 Updated 29th April 2024

For you to do Solution

The answers to the question I set you on finding the area of a circle is here.

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