VSTACK Function in Excel


This is a short page because all it wants to do is to send you over to my YouTube channel where you will find my latest video. At just 6 minutes long, it is a world first (I think!) in which I demonstrate not only how to use the VSTACK function to combine tables using a 3D range in Excel but I take it a stage further and use the functionality to carry out financial ratio analysis using VSTACK.

Seeing's believing since the function is RALLY easy to use and by following my example, you will be the envy of your friends!!

These days, we have to use words like these to demonstrate just how good we are:



mind blowing


seems illegal to know

Take a look, then and download my demonstration Excel file while you are there ... as always, it's completely free of charge

The video is here

Duncan Williamson

3rd September 2023

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