
Windows ... Who Wrote that Sh*t?

In transit at Dubai airport and the phone hooked up with the wifi in the lounge. The laptop wouldn't connect: Windows couldn't  connect ... Loose cable ... See the administrator ...

So I rebooted and tried again. After a few twiddles, Windows' prognostications were looking expensive.

I went to the connections list, right clicked the one I was trying to open and found ... the password that had been saved was wrong. I changed it earlier this week but it looks as if that loose cable was preventing the saving of it!!


Julius Nyerere Airport Tanzania

I have to say a big thanks to the men and women at the JN Airport, Dar es Salaam.

I arrived with $50 to pay for my visa ... it was $250!

After some faffography I enlisted the help of a kindly member of staff and she got me through the airport to the ATMs but it wasn't her fault that there was no money in either of them. She went out of her way for me!

Then there was the rather severe acting immigration officer who allowed me to get a visa with an IOU stamp in my passport! Bark worse than bite: thank you!

Today I learned that I should have paid the extra $200 in the office in the city. 😳

Another severe type man went out of his way at the airport and was very helpful as he took me through the airport to solve my problem. Again, thank you, sir.

A positive experience all told!