
Excellent use of Google Searches

I came across a podcast the other day that talked about how to use google searches for reasons other than just trying to find an article or web site or something. What some researchers have done is to follow through the number of searches over time using google on influenza … the flu!

What they found was that they could then use the search information to predict when an outbreak of flu might happen. What they also found was that the google search information was probably more immediate that the official or more formal flu data was. They found that the google data led the official data by around two weeks: critical if the flu we are talking about is Avian Flu or some other deadly strain.

What is happening? Well, the google searches came from the man in the street who had caught flu and needed some information; or from a parent or carer or even health worker who wanted to know what was happening in their area.

Either way, I think we are seeing here one way in which the social aspects of the internet can be  a force for good and for change.

There is a pdf file for you to download here: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nature07634.pdf. You can currently find the details of this research at the home page of www.google.org too.


VAT and Politicians

Have you seen this week’s utter nonsense in Parliament?

The government is cutting VAT from Monday next and the opposition party among others said, no, no, no, bad idea.

Then someone leaked or accidentally announced that the government CONSIDERED raising VAT at some time in the future. The cry was, no, no, no, bad idea.

These stupid people.


Recent Trips

This is really by way of an advertisement!!

I have just noticed that my mobile phone shows me that since September of this year I have spent time in

  • London
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Liverpool
  • Halifax
  • Dubai
  • Bangkok
  • Singapore
  • Beijing

Not bad I think. More to come and I’m still trying to make up my mind as to which country I want to spend new year’s eve in … the 50th country I will have visited!



The Size of the Problem: but no heads rolled

The credit crisis is going on and on. It is very clear now that the banks and finance world have been out of contol for a very long time. They have been creating and dealing in what have proven to be essentially fictitious assets.

The rest of the world is bailing out these people but I have to confess that I have yet to see too many stories of CEOs, CFOs etc being called to account. I would like corporate governance to call these INDIVIDUALS to account.

I do appreciate that the likes of Lehman Brothers collapsed but that took with it clients and their money who were probably innocent.

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London Trip

I am back at home after a successful two day trip to London. This morning in particular was sunny and ideal for photography.

I took almost 100 photos and will post one or two here.

The train to and from London was much better than the last time I went. Quicker, cleaner and more modern. Not cheap though.

More tomorrow.

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