
Feminists: you did something bad, really bad

Just read this article, everyone.


Now, when you meet a feminist just tell her to stop worrying about portraits of women on a bank note and worry about the catastrophic consequences of bottle rather thab breast fed babies.

It's shocking.



Lungfish or Abouttodiefish?

This fish was skittering across the garden: wither and whence I know not!

Is it a lungfish?

I made a very short video ... usual story, i can't upload from this app. Will try another way.


UPDATE: when we returned from Bangkok the fish had gone! No one else knew it was in the pot so i assume it went over the wall in good old POW fashion!!

Another Moth!

This week I have seen and snapped a Tiger Moth and a half inch long frog in the loo here. Yesterday I found this one ... it's an Arctiid Moth according to http://marianlyman.wordpress.com/. Notice the image of a Lion's Head at the top of the back ... well, Lion's head as far as I can see!
What next I wonder as I ponder in the backa beyonda!! DW


Mozzie Man!

This man appeared with his smokey equipment the other day. Exciting while it lasted.

The idea is, mosquitoes eradicated.


The Book ... Orf We Jolly Well!!

Here I am with manuscript in hand!



Gnatwest Bank

I first opened an account with GnatWest in 1971 and, although i haven't always banked with them, for the last 10 or more years i have: maybe 20 years altogether.

Due to a blip, my fault or theirs i am not sure, i need a three WEEK line of credit. 

I called them on Friday and was handed over to a man who said there were three options available but you can't have any of them. Sorry, bye. I said the money in my fixed term deposit that matures in three weeks can easily be collateral for this three week line. No it can't. Bye!

That was it!

I complained over the rudeness of the man: not his decision but his rudeness. I also complained that a twelve month deposit suddenly became a thirteen month deposit: a) maybe i hadn't noticed this so maybe that was my fault b) this is the cause of my cash flow blip.

I had a call from a sympathetic customer complaints person on Friday and shared with her the rude emails i had received. She didn't acknowledge any of them so when i came to email her again last night for what i perceive as further sub standard service a) she had forgotten who i was in the space of three days and b) asked me for a complaints reference number which she had never shared with me.

Last night, Monday, i called the bank again and again asked BY NAME for my business manager. I had his mobile phone number before ... disconnected; i had his direct email address before, unavailable.

They ignored my request and put me through to the business "team" and guess who answered: the same rude man as last Friday. He started by saying, i already told you the answer. I said i didn't ask to speak to you ... Is my business manager in? Yes ... silence. Is he available ... silence! Then, not at the moment. I can ask him to call you back if you like but it won't do you any good. I gave him my number and waited for the return call. So far, nothing.

In the meantime i have been tweeting GnatWestBusiness and they suggest that their systems might be effective ... I tell them they are not. They promised last night they would get my business manager to call me, too. Ha ha!

This is the story so far!