
Fly by NIght ... well, twilight!

I normally post these straight to Facebook rather than here but, what the heck, here goes. If you don't like flies, maybe this will turn your stomach.

I am using a macro lens with my camera to take photos of insects on flowers and shrubs and things. I then crop the photos to bring out the features ...


and here's a colony of greenflies with other insects on a rose bud


Also on a rose bud


There you are: I love this macro lens ... it's 1:3.5 and would love a 1:1 lens but worry about their price. Also, I haven't seen one yet!

If you know the proper names of these insects, why not let me know? Just post a comment here.


Bill Gates I want to meet you

I saw that smug and self seeking BG on the television the other day and he was extolling the virtues of some software that allows someone to talk to their television and for the television to recognise them in some way.

I thought, so fricking what, Gates? You can’t even get your basic software to work properly let alone something to do with a television.

My Acer computer is going through a midlife crisis at the moment: it’s two years old now! On Saturday Excel 2010 failed to respond SO many times and I thought I had lost a lot of my latest work as it died and then Windows said it couldn’t start and would repair itself. It went through this many times.

In the end I am STILL worried that things will collapse in a gates induced heap but it is starting by itself now, albeit slowly.

Every year I have a major gates induced problem and I hope this doesn’t get any worse and is this year’s problem.

These things waste hours and hours.

Then there’s my other laptop, an HP TouchSmart, that can’t find the HP printer it’s connected to. More wasted time.


Back in the Gym

Hard work and no play … ended again. Working many hours a day every day keeps the mind active and alive.There are limits though to the sedentary lifestyle so I am back in the gym again.

Nothing excessive, though: I walk on the treadmill for around 25 minutes: starting slowly and then getting fairly energetic including spells on a 12% incline. Enough to require some breathing and sweating!

In the gym I am using at the moment I am using a stepping machine too: 100 steps this evening. I will build up from that fairly low base.

I have never been that good at upper body exercise for some reason so I just tinker with small weights for that.

I’m doing my bit.