
Golden Hannah's Tribute

Here's the gold post box outside Halifax Town Hall in honour of Hannah Cockroft's gold medal at the Paralympics. Look at the arty composition too!!




Here is my new blackberry time!



Perfect Home Made Bread

By accident I found a bread making tip that made me happy.

Using the same recipe as before and the same ingredients, I added SLIGHTLY too much water to my last batch of bread. I then added a LITTLE bit if extra flour to take the stickiness away. I ended up with the most fantastic dough and the resulting loaf and buns were the best bread I have ever made.

Can I replicate that?


Gibb Lane is TOUGH

As part of my keep fit for life campaign I walk up Gibb Lane for lung busting exercise and it's tough going.

Up until yesterday I used to zig zag my way up it but yesterday I wanted to go straight at it and did it.

I felt happy to have done it. When I finished my walk and hit back home though, my legs were a but jelly like!

Keeping fit is a full time job and although this is my fourth good outing in six days, we have to keep on top of our fitness as we get older.

Young people can slouch around and then go and do something ... not the more mature types!

Take a look at an Ordnance Survey map to see why I think Gibb Lane is so tough!



Another Moon Cake

Here's moon cake two from Malaysia: green tea with kidney bean and green bean paste. It's really good.