
Dr House *2

Have you ever watched Dr House on Netflix? Over a period of several years, I watched it twice: entire series, twice.

This second time, I have to say I didn’t remember much from having watched it before so I was able to appreciate and I appreciated it that bit more.

The concept was good, the characters were good and the acting was good. Moreover, being a US series, the sets and costumes were outstanding, too.

I remember the end, first time round and was confused by it. This time, I was not confused at all: it made perfect sense and, in fact, the very final scene explained everything there was to understand about Dr House’s character.

Well worth watching.




Art or Just Enthusiastic?

Let's be honest, not everyone is an artist! In this family, the Thais side, that is, there is at least one, maybe two people wit artistic talent, although it's not exploited in any way for commercial purposes, she just has that talent!

However, I have always tried to encourage our children to express themselves in art: drawing, colouring, painting; and yesterday we had a short session and we got these pictures out of it.

This one: I drew the lines with 10 pencils simultaneously and I coloured in the centre of the flowers, Abi did the rest!

This is one of mine, using my new 11B pencil and my new F pencil

Again, I drew the lines with my ten pencils all at one time and Robbie coloured in the Apple Tree!

27th April 2024