
Stewart ... Stewart!

Stewart is part of the family and has been since is birth.  He lives with his mother and although his father and brother met untimely deaths,  he seems happy and lively, if a little shy.

Stewart is young but is fully grown: that means he is fit and slim given his adequate diet.

I have to say that I have had misgivings about Stewart for a while now.  You know, when something happens and it's a bit off key. Or someone does something and you wonder,  did they really do that?

It all came to a head this morning for Stewart.  I was just looking out through the dining room window when I saw him and another young lad. They were engaged in the kind of activity that no one should see but between members of the same sex: well, it's just not right.

I didn't feel to be in a position to intervene in any way and the matter was over rather quickly. I did discuss what I saw with Mrs W but she was not so concerned as I was.

After all, Mrs W has been around dogs all her life and Stewart is just another dog as far as she is concerned, gay or straight!

Still, you don't see many gay dogs do you!