
InContext Editing

Although it's serious overkill in some ways, I use Dreamweaver CS4 to edit my web site. This week I came across and started to use what they call InContext Editing and it's marvellous. I can make a tiny amendment to any page that I choose and I can then edit that page online in real time without the need to fire up Dreamweaver, open the file, make the changes, upload the file ... so far I am just tinkering with it, but first impressions are positive.


Microsoft to the Rescue and The Power of Two Monitors

Microsoft Saves the Day

Strange but true but for a reason I have yet to fathom, my OCR software has stopped working and it seems impossible to reinstall it. So, I NEEDED an OCR solution. The knight in shining armour was the Microsoft Document Scanning and Imaging software. Now, it's not the best but after a couple of trial pages I have to say that it was a breeze to use and has then allowed me to scan in and edit 16 pages of text without too much stress.

Two Monitor Solution

I told you the other week that I have been using a two monitor configuration at home and that is continuing apace. The biggest triumph so far is that I am sat here in my office working away and watching the Ashes cricket at the same time. Not a wall to wall size image but plenty big enough since it is only about two feet from my eyes.



Is it Obligatory?

Do the contestants on Master Chef on the BBC really think that by repeating that they are passionate makes them automatic selections for the big prize?

Rank amateurs being given the impression they can become a master chef as a result of a competition is another one of television's nonsense ideas.


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Dreamweaver and Adobe Magic

I am easily pleased! I have just edited my first page using Adobe/Dreamweaver's InContext Editing utility. Very smart and ideal for me. I am really aiming at a CMS based site but have had no luck with a PHP based version so with this I have taken one more step on the road.

My new website, the site for my new Excel 2007 book, will be up and running soon and that WILL be CMS style: put together by yours truly using Dreamweaver and the SiteAssist extension.


The Lady MacDonald: what a pleasure

I have just watched a cookery programme hosted by Claire MacDonald of MacDonald: the Lady MacDonald. What a pleasure! A cook who is confident and who knows what she is doing. Although she mainly cooked non vegetarian food, it wasn't difficult to appreciate the quality of the food she was preparing.

One other feature that caught my attention was her language: excellent! A good grasp of grammar and vocabulary. Never once did she say, "Look at that" as she dragged something ghastly from a pan or the oven: she left that to the likes of James Martin and Ainsley Harriet.

She used the word amalgamate, for example and, unlike Gary Rhodes, never even hinted that some creme fraiche was "happening" in the mousse.

Well done the Lady MacDonald! A pleasure to watch.



Have they come?

I had a stir fry of sorts from the Flaming Wok in the food court near to the hotel and whilst the food was tolerable, I can hardly report that the wok was flaming.

I wanted the veg combo but was told that they didn't have one of the ingredients so I had to make do with a cabbage dish and an aubergine dish together with the pretty good noodles.

Now, I have never been a fan of aubergines except inside an excellent mousaka and I have to say that I was prepared to give the stuff a go. It was ghastly! My problem with cooked aubergines is that they are slimey. Slithery and slimey. No thanks. Sorry to say they went in the bin.

As I was eating my food I sat opposite another fast food outlet and saw, to my surprise and delight, a food that I have only previously seen on sale in Kuala Lumpur outside of the UK. Now, I know these food items can be bought elsewhere but I haven't been there yet! What could it be that we love in the UK, they clearly love in Kuala Lumpur and that they can buy (not sure they love them to the same extent, you see) here in Dubai?

There is a clue in the title of this post!! It's a bit cryptic but if you can crack the code I will buy you one of these if ever we meet!



Hobby Horse again!

They've just been advertising Shark Month on National Geographic and I thought, hmm, that could be good.

Then they showed a silly young woman in a diving suit under water who said, "It's amazing!"

Think I'll give it a miss now, then. Otherwise I'd spend the month on some kind of "amazing" count.

Just my foible, don't worry.