
New App

I have finally managed to install the Blogger App on my Galaxy Tab. Editing seems to be a problem with it. Once I press finished, published or not, I think I can't edit a post.

So forgive all errors and omissions.


The Master Bedroom

We have bought and had fitted the curtains for our bedroom now. The bedding doesn't quite match, however! There's time for that :)


Puppies ar Six Weeks

Well, one of the two puppies. Stewart (!) Followed me to the lake on the motorbike just as I had stopped to admire some Buffalo taking a dip.

Stewart was fascinated and showed no fear if the water or the steeply sloping bank. He was half submerged at one point!

Here he is, then, six weeks old ...

Misbehaving in a cell? UPDATE

I wonder if this is a feature, a bug or a coincidence within 24 hours of uploading this post it happened again ... see below8w.

Last week I was working on a file in Excel and one aspect the work was to use the COUNTIFS () function. I know this function and have used and demonstrated it many times. Would it work? Yes it did and then it point blank refused.

Yesterday a friend asked me about setting up hyperlinks in an Excel file and then saving that file as a Web Page before uploading it on to an intranet. I set to work and created two basic hyperlinks, saved as Web Page ... one link worked and one didn't. I corrected the error, saved the file again. Did the correction work? Not at all. I went back and checked my work but still it didn't work.

Is there a theme here? Yes!

In both cases, when I deleted the error completely and started again from scratch I got rid of the errors, no amount of editing in these cases looked as if it would work.


This morning I was working through some lookup examples that included a complex formula that included INDEX, ROW and should have been array entered. I copied and pasted an example formula that I knew would not work. Then I edited the formula but just could not make it work. So I started again I a new cell and bingo, it worked.

If something you KNOW is correct is not working: delete, start again.

Let me know if this worked for you too.

Duncan Williamson


We're in

The builder's finished and we have moved in. We built our last piece of furniture last night ... A wardrobe ... Big! It took 3".5hours to build.

Looking good overall I have to say!


London Bound

I start a long trek to London today. Because of bus times I leave here in about two hours, one night in Bangkok then hop over to Kuala Lumpur for the direct flight to Heathrow.

This is all for work.


Wonderful Technology

Yes, modern technology is wonderful, so where have I been, where are my latest posts?

There are two posts firmly rooted in my blogger outbox. I tried to create other posts whilst I was travelling.

Technology is wonderful but just try being a little off centre in your demands and you might as well be trying to use the internet on the moon!