
Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD)

Oh bother!

four or five years ago I had what is called a PVD in my right eye: worrying to start with until the optician explained what it is, how it happens ... not serious.

Here we are again and there's another one happening as I type. Different part of the same eye and a bit more inconvenient this time as it's bigger than the previous one.

Talking to medics now and awaiting their final analysis of what to do about it.


Billy, Billy, Billy Gates ... ReadyBoost. Pshaw!

Why does this man and his rubbish really get to me? I wonder how many blogs, emails and conversations EVERY DAY speak of loathing for this man and his useless Microsoft products and services?

Like a moron, a few months ago I let Windows Vista use a 1Gb flash drive for ReadyBoost. Oh! don't worry, it will speed up your system no end ... Well, I noticed no differences whatsoever: maybe it makes microseconds of difference to some things but not the differences that I thought were being offered.

Today, in my ignorance, I decided enough was enough and I would claim the flash drive back. I thought the best way to do this would be to reformat the drive: WRONG! Gates and his lunatics have done here what they have done so many times before. If anyone wants to interfere with MS, they pay.

Not only would my flash drive not reformat under any conditions, I cannot now even access it for any reason whatsoever.

Well done Bill Gates, come on down!

I really want to meet that man, I've got so many things to talk about: we go back decades. I really ought to throw all of my MS things away, go to Apple and start again. Why don't I do that?