
Managing and Interfering

Nick Edwards has written a very engaging autobiography that I recommend everyone to read.

Edwards is a doctor in an A&E department at a General Hospital somewhere in the UK. The book discusses two main themes:

medical stories
management and interference stories

I enjoyed the book and reviewed it in full for my own web site: http://www.duncanwil.co.uk/book_reviews/edw.html



What I have been up to!

Those of you who see me on Facebook and Twitter know that after a week at work in Dubai I have spent almost two weeks in the Far East: Cambodia, Singapore and Bangkok. I am in Bangkok now and will fly out of here tonight to go home via Dubai: Airbus A380 all the way to Manchester.

Anyway, here are some links to two slideshows I have put together for you: one shows me at work in the kitchen, cooking Khmer food, in Siem Reap; and the other shows snaps I took in Singapore.

Enjoy them and all feedback is gratefully received.

