So far I have not really watched much of the world cup action.
Last night, though, I watched the build up to a couple of games and almost immediately was confronted by a reason for not watching such rubbish!
The programme was being hosted by a woman, sorry. She said that so and so had scored an amazing penalty the night before. They showed the penalty. I was waiting for someone to place the ball, run up like Usain Bolt or Carl Lewis then kick the ball in such a way that it went forward and then, for example, looped the loop, hit the bar or post but then magically looped in a way that defied the known laws of physics before going into the net beyond the goalkeeper's powers to stop it.
What actually happened was that he kicked the ball fairly hard and it then flew into the net without the goalkeeper being able to stop it.
So WHY, WHY, WHY did she say it was an amazing penalty?