For some reason I remembered this ditty from my childhood. It comes from a book that John Sutcliffe* and I found in Todmorden public library one Saturday morning. Why this snippet has stuck with me should come shining through the verse!
Not last night but the night before
Two tom cats came knocking at the door
I went downstairs to let them in
They knocked me down with a rolling pin
The rolling pin was made of brass
They knocked me down and kicked my arse
I just did an online search for this and have found many variants but not this exact one. The Opie name springs to mind as the possible authors or collators of the book we might have used.
My mother howled at this one, by the way: thought it was very funny.
*John was my all time childhood best friend and sadly he died several years ago following a simple motor bike accident near Skipton: A true accident, no one's fault, just bad luck.