Hello to you!
I have had a blog for 20 years, if not more. I used to have a very busy blog that was managed by an organisation with a wacky name that had something to do with an animal. Then one night, they disappeared without warning and took all of my blog posts with them. There was nothing earth shattering there but I would have liked to have been given the chance to save them all.
I then started this blog using Blogger a number of years ago and here I still am although I don't post here anywhere near as prolifically as I did on the other blog. I post her, on twitter, Facebook, Quora and on The Times comments forum.
Now, why did I write this? Just a few weeks ago I realised that no one was signing up to my blog because I didn't have a sign up button or anything like it. I couldn't believe that. I used to have but never noticed it had gone. I have no idea when it went or why.
So, here is your chance to sign up and follow me. By rights, I should have hundreds, if not thousands of followers. After all, my chats here are fun and my business stuff is high quality and it is all free.
Please sign up and join the throng and if ever you ask me a question, I will answer it.
Best wishes and looking forward to seeing your sign up email.
6th November 2022