
Stupid Mother of the Year Award

I've got a nomination for the Stupid Mother of the Year Award. The stupid mother I have just seen driving her car with her baby on her lap. She was wearing her seatbelt, bless her; but her young sprog was not and was clambering all over the place.


So stupid: shouldn't we stop people like this from breeding?



Boyish enthusiasm and the shape of langwidge to come?

As I wolfed my muesli, bran flake and all bran mixture for breakfast this morning I turned on a programme on the Discovery Civilisation channel called The Worst Jobs in History. This programme is presented by Tony Robinson, of Baldrick fame in the Blackadder series.


Boyish Enthusiasm


I switched on as they were discussing dreadful jobs from the Stuart period of British history and for some reason they blew up a car with three kilogrammes of gunpowder: something to do with Guy Fawkes. So the thing exploded and afterwards Robinson bounded in with boyish enthusiasm and said:


'Look at that. It's amazing, that hole'


Hmm, such language! I understand Robinson is the holder of a PhD, too. Let him be enthusiastic but why would he find a hole in a car amazing after having blown it up with all of that gunpowder?


Langwidge to Come?


As the adverts came on they showed a screen with this message on it:


Worse Jobs in History



That nonsense is exactly equivalent to the clown who created a similar screen for the BBC version of 'The Apprentice: You're fired' with Alan Sugar. In that case the clown had typed:


'The Apprentice: Your fired'


Who is editing these things and how do these people who may well be semi literate get such jobs? They'll be writing 'I would of thought I done it right' next!






Tote that barge!

I was told this fantastic story last night and it had us all rolling around laughing!


Jack (not his real name!) lives on a canal barge in Todmorden, West Yorks and to comply with various bits of legislation he has to move it now and again. So, he moved it around 100 metres from where it had been posted and carried on with his normal everyday life. Then he went for a couple of pints and had a good time. He wended his merry way home and when he got to where he normally went, he started to clamber aboard the good barge lollipop then SPLASH!. Nothing wrong with his memory except that it was offset by around 12 hours.


Jack tells the story that it was shocking enough when he fell into the canal but he lost his grip as he scrambled out and fell in again. Just as badly, when he did get on board there was no heating or hot water to be had as he hadn't lit a fire that day.


True story that!






I called my mobile operator yesterday because I desperately needed to send a fax. I was told it will be possible ... but the operator told me she couldn't finish the job then and wouldn't be in the office again until next Tuesday. Could I wait? Given an apparent lack of choice in the matter I said it could. It took me a lot of effort but I managed to send the fax in another way. DW