
Alright, I'm taking a break from all that! Here's a competition. See how many of you lovely people are sitting up and taking note. You know when you switch on your mobile phone after you let the battery drain completely after hearing the warning beep and saying, "Oh, in a minute" and then forgetting it completely and leaving it at home when you go to work then having to go back to get it ... ? Yeah? OK, well here's the question: What is the awe inspiring, uplifting and motivational message that I have put into my new mobile phone: see SIM card saga for details of the phone. Answers by email please and the winner will be the first to get it right. If there are no entrants then you may NEVER find out what that pesky message might be! Need a clue? OK, here: it's in Latin it's two words pxx vxxxxxxx Now I can't say fairer than that, can I? Supplementary question: what does pxx vxxxxxxx mean? What do you mean Latin's a dead language? It spawned this quiz didn't it? More than that, when you get the question in the pub quiz that asks what this phrase is and what it means, you won't be so angry then, will you? You can thank me later! DW

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