
Something's got to give in the BANANA SAGA. Flushed with success from yesterday I went down for breakfast maybe a shade later than yesterday ... no bananas in the fruit bowl BUT there were two men each with a banana or banana skin on their table. One had finished and the other was making a meal of it by having only eaten half of his. I thought, has he read my Blog from yesterday? Has he been sent to torment me by leaving half a banana knowing that I could never enjoy the bit that he wouldn't eat? Then he ate it. Of course neither of these two could have enjoyed their bananas as much as I would have. Moreover, why don't they take one of the many apples, pears, oranges or kiwi fruits that are on offer? I considered making an announcement. I have also considered asking the hotel to hide a banana for me or have the waiter bring one to me under all circumstances! I'll keep you posted. DW

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