
The British Embassy Incident I did a bit more walking around Sarajevo around midday yesterday and took some more good snaps. I came across the British Embassy by accident and decided I'd snap that, too. Big mistake! I did see the guard's box outside the building and I did look to see if there were any guards inside: I saw none as the blinds were closed. The Germany Embassy next door had guards in their box and they were there for all to see. So, I felt free to snap away. I took one pic that included a corner of the building including This is the British Embassy plaque and the Union Flag on a flag pole and then a started to amble down the street to take a picture of the British crest ... lion, unicorn, honi soit qui mal y pense and all that ... when TWO guards piled out of their box. Gulp! I smiled and nodded and made to walk on nonchalantly but they called me back! I opened with "I'm British and this is the British Embassy so I wanted a photo." One of them asked me to show him what I'd done and I did. Hardly the world's most stunning pic. The guard asked for my ID ... I've lived abroad for over 14 years now and I still haven't got used to the idea that the rest of the world demands that everyone carries their passport, birth certificate and letter from their mother to say what a good boy I always was ... I had nothing: no passport, no birth certificate, no letter from my mother, not even my business card. It's in the office, er, the hotel, I blurted. He then asked "Can you trust me?" I think he meant "Can I trust you?" but his English was better than my Bosnian so I simply implored "Yes!" He looked at his mate and asked, in English for some reason, "Can you trust me?": his mate looked at me sideways and said nothing, maybe his English was better than his mate's and he realised that I had them on the language front! This looked like good news so I said a hale and hearty "Sorry!", made my excuses and left. I continued my tour of that part of the city with a hunted look and had become possibly the most dodgy looking photographer they have seen on the streets of Sarajevo for many a long day! This morning I put my passport in my jacket pocket as I left for work. DW

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