
Go on, Have a Laugh ...

So you've got a Windows 7 laptop and a MacBook Pro. Imagine you're away from home but both computers are sharing a wifi network ... This is your personal, password protected network.

Imagine that you've got a photo on the Mac that you'd like to shoot over to the Windows laptop.

Funny, eh? You thought it would be a breeze didn't you? You know, both computers are switched on, they have already been linked ... nope! The MacBook cannot be found by the Windows laptop ... yes it can, no it can't ... Is that a MacBook i see before me, a dagger in its hand!??

And vice versa.

The solution? Get the USB memory stick out!

Bell enders these computr people. We need a revolutoon.

By the way, don't only blame Gates ... Bluetooth on Apple products can be impossible.


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