
The Politics of the Hen House

There are chickens running around the house i am staying at: from the magnificent Tambala to the scruffy little black and white chick.

The boys rule the roost! Every now and again Tambala, or one of the other boys, gives one of his wives a severe pecking and a squawking to. Mrs Tambala runs away and then goes about the rest of her business.

There is a dappled hen with chicks and woe betide the hen or chick who gets too close: lots of noises and very rapid retreating!!

Then there's the brooding hen: in a basket hanging from a wall, about a metre off the floor. This hen's got a variable comfort zone of about two feet: stay outside that zone and all is well; stray into that zone and she gives off the equivalent of a growl. It would be unfair and cruel to test that any further as she might get so agitated that she scrambles one or more of her chicks. She leaves the nest every now and again so i was able to count eight eggs waiting to be hatched.


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