
Starry, Starry Night

Just spent an hour in the garden lying on my back!!! Good telescope needed. So many stars clearly visible and there are shooting stars galore: never seen so many.

There's a starry night setting on my little camera and got some snaps with that! Great. My big camera has a Manual Bulb setting but i could not get it to open at all for the stars :(

UPDATE ... There's a programme on the TV as i type showing enthusiasts in the North of Thailand lying in a garden watching these shooting stars ... a meteor

Just goes to show how random some things are! I very rarely star gaze in the way i did last night so to choose the night with a meteor shower passing through was too much!

By the way, i think the "shooting star" that went along the horizon and did not fizzle out was probably the Space Station or some other satellite. That was moving VERY FAST!


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