
What a Diversion

I am on my way to Riyadh and as and when I can I fly Emirates. I have done this trip before and the last time I did it the flight from Manchester was late so I ended up in an hotel in Dubai for 24 hours and that's bad because it meant that I got to the hotel in Riyadh at about 4 am but had to be at work at 8 am.

This time the Manchester flight was late again: it was tight but the connection was still possible. Possible that is until the captain said we have to hold BUT as we are running out of fuel and Dubai cannot accommodate us, so we were diverted to Sharjah.

We are at Sharjah now, refuelling. The Riyadh flight must be long gone. What was announced as a 45 stop looks more likely to become at least 90 minutes.

There are 489 of us on this flight so that's a lot of sorting out that someone is having to do.


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