

After many, many years the cat is finally out of the bag and that repressive and murderous tyrant Robert Mugabe is openly doing what he said he would: murdering his own people, stifling anything resembling democracy and so on. I wonder what he will say when he meets his maker?
Now, however, we can hear pious and piteous bleating from the international community: why so long in coming? Why are these people only taking notice now? The people of Zimbabwe have nothing to look forward to now that Mugabe is getting away with murder.
There is talk of further sanctions being levied against the top 100 or 200 people in Zimbabwe. Whooppeee! Does that mean that their ill gotten gains that have been stashed away in foreign bank accounts will be confiscated and shared between the people of Zimbabwe. As if. Ever heard of numbered Swiss bank accounts? Ever heard of secret identities? Does anyone think that these people haven't hidden everything?
How about stopping them travelling? I have never done it and never will, but I think it would take me about a day to source and place an order for an illegal passport from just about any country I liked. I don't doubt some of these top people are way ahead of the curve on this one.
By the way, in case you don't know. In the glory days when Mugabe was able to travel freely, for example to collect his honorary degrees from the UK and his knighthood (wonder where that was conferred), he normally took a plane load of cronies with him and they raided the shops for weeks on end. How much money did they plunder to finance those trips? And did his wife really need Rolex watches costing many thousands of Pounds each? Funnily enough, everyone knew what Mugabe was doing then but who even suggested he was doing something wrong? No one: not even our own bleater in chief, the one and only Gordon Brown.
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