
Moving house

Wish me bona fortuna today as I move house: leaving Abingdon and wife behind and moving to Halifax.


I think everyone should at least go through the motions of moving house: ours is a three bedroom semi and yet it contains a vast amount of detritus. We are throwing away a lot of rubbish. Things that have seen better days and things that I’m sure we never really needed. I spent all day yesterday cleaning and moving things around but by the end of the day I couldn’t see any progress except that the kitchen is now spotless.


I recommend a minimalist life style if you can’t go through the virtual house move that I recommend. Don’t buy anything using a credit card, use cash only and if you don’t have the cash for something, then it may well be something you don’t need. By using this technique you will be forcing yourself to think about your actions. Credit and debit card decisions are instantly gratified: of course, your local favourite charity shop will benefit in a year or two but that’s not the point!


When we moved into this house in Abingdon, we had some good furniture to get rid of and contacted a few second hand furniture dealers and was met with the same response from each of them: sharp intake of breath through clenched teeth, ‘I’d be robbing myself if I paid you more than £tiny … there’s no demand for this sort of stuff at the moment. Come to my lock up and you’ll see it stacked high with stuff like this.’ So, I got £tiny for some good stuff.


I tried the same this time with some things that are not needed but that are good: single bed, large fridge/freezer and so on. This time I met with this, sharp intake of breath through clenched teeth, ‘There’s no demand for this sort of stuff at the moment. Come to my lock up and you’ll see it stacked high with stuff like this.’ Then EITHER, ‘It’ll cost you £80 for me to take this away for you’ or ‘I can take it off your hands for you for nothing.’ So, desperate as I was because TESCO took my card advertising these things a couple of weeks ago and when I went to check the ad because I’d had NO calls I found they hadn’t put it on their board as they had promised they would. Another reason NOT TO USE TESCO. I got nothing for some good stuff.





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