Now all of these weak minded people who are hell bent on mashing our language are calling powdered baby milk FORMULA.
It makes me so frustrated to listen to these supposedly educated people on Radio 4 hurtling their way into speaking AmerEnglish. What they fail to realise is that the version of American they are importing is the language of the uneducated American. If they cared to listen to and read work by educated and professional Americans (not journalists, I should stress, since they are as bad as ours) they would see that they do understand prepositions, they do use adverbs and they don't use street slang in the way that our journalists are doing.
Last week one of these clowns even said that a politician should fess up ... for goodness' sake.
As an American living here, I'd hoped to escape Amerispeak. When I first got here 11 years ago, listening to the BBC was bliss. Now, it's cringeworthy.
No one is asking anyone to sound like Prince Charles, but Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, people, English is a language with a grammar and spelling rules. USE THEM, PLEASE!!
BBC, BACK TO STANDARD ENGLISH, PLEASE. You were once an oasis in a world of dangling participles. Please come back to us.
So help me, I'm going to use an icepick on the next person who uses 'fess up', 'impact' as a verb, fake 'in the hood' language and 'orientate' and 'commentate' as if they were real verbs, not backformations from the nouns. ORIENT AND COMMENT, people.
Either that, or I'll steal their mobile phones.
End rant. Love the blog, Duncan, sorry - should have said that first!
Thanks for that Irim: you should send it to the BBC as well to let them know I am not alone!
I don't know what we can do though as these people really are behaving more and more stupidly.
Thanks for writing and I'm happy you like my ridiculous blog!
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