I don't like AA ... that's an airline! They try to convince us that everyone can fly now because they are so cheap.
Well, because their competitors do not fly to KL on Sunday from Bangkok I had to choose them. Kerching! Low fare? Not at all! I could actually pay less with the other airlines AND have a meal AND not scratch around worrying about the weight of my luggage AND choose any seat that's available: from previous experience, they will give me a window seat, the worst possible option for me.
Then, due to misinformation from another carrier I found I had to change my flying time. SORRY, it's less than 48 hours to take off so you can't change that flight. So, horror of horrors, I had to buy a new ticket. Low fare? Free meal? Guaranteed baggage allowance? No, no, no. I consider this second ticket outrageously expensive and feel sad that I have had to break my vow of refusing to fly with this airline. Until recently, I had not flown with them for 2 or 3 years. I hope this is my last trip with them for a very long time.
On our way to replace the driving licence I lost and as we were crossing the road a woman on a motorbike came round the corner and was driving right at me and Abi. The stupid woman was reading something on her phone as she rounded the corner and had not seen us.
I was ready to fend her off but she looked up, saw us and avoided us. I said to her, Watch where you're going and put your phone down!
How stupid and how dangerous that woman is.
Here they are, the chosen few from my course in Ghana this week.
Good delegates, successful course: financial modelling.
As I was about to get to the passport control desk at DXB, a man in the queue behind me pointed out to one of the staff that there was an unattended bag in the middle of the floor. There was!
The staff member suggested that someone had probably left the bag there as he went round and round the queue system to save having to carry it.
The man responded with. I realise that but no one should leave their bag like that in the current climate.
The man was absolutely right but I loved his use of the phrase, in the current climate!
Read this story if you can. Very interesting in every way!
The Iraqi who saved Norway from oil - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/99680a04-92a0-11de-b63b-00144feabdc0.html
Well done Burnley FC, promoted to the Premier League for next season. A 23 game unbeaten game run in too.
Let's hear it for the team and for the manager Sean Dyche.
Of course, Burnley has never been a fashionable team so the response of the media to their achievement has been grossly understated.
They have erected the support pillars for our new venture and they are perfectly vertical. To get them vertical they used two pieces of string, a plumb line and two bits of wood to adjust them if necessary.
Fantastic skills.
Here is the ceremony to celebrate the start of a new building and a new venture. The ceremony went well and I hope the project does too.
Daughter Abi will be 10 months old tomorrow and already she is standing for a short time without holding on. She's also taking steps or trying to.
Good progress
See my previous story about my wifi connection.
We found out by accident that the router in the sales office of our new wifi provider pumps out 20+ Mbps speeds. I thought, I'd like to see what that's like.
I set my phone to download a 330 Mb video and stood outside the wifi provider's showroom. Nothing. It didn't start!! I waited a while then checked the speed ... very slow at about 1 Mbps. I thought: ah! It hasn't connected properly yet. I went away for a while and then returned. The same.
Anyway, having checked download speeds again I concluded that the office had not turned on their cable router! So I was using their ordinary system from outside this building.
End of my experiment!
I have been suffering for 18 months or so from a monopolist wifi supplier. Variable connections. Breaks in connections for as long as two weeks. 18 breaks in service in a January alone. February started with the first 6 days dead.
I searched in vain for an alternative all of this time and became most frustrated and angry when I realised that these people were managing my business and private life. I need a decent connection for work and for my relaxation, entertainment and so on.
A friend told us about a router they had bought in Switzerland ... good solution but very expensive to buy. It sowed a seed, though.
Then a chance conversation sent us to a local provider of service who offered 4G pocket routers. Really? We looked at their brochure and asked questions. While 4G doesn't reach to our village, it will soon.
I thought about it for a while: it would cost us the same as our current provider per month and the pocket router came free!
I said, I want to take the risk: there's a chance that this will be better ... we did it. We came away with the router and some hope.
We got it home and it works. At times we can get speeds of 5 to 6 Mbps. As importantly, after 5 days, service has been unbroken and because it is a pocket router, we can take it with us wherever we go.
I stopped paying for the old service immediately. They are no more.
Since I have been sending the old providers an sms whenever there has been a significant break of service, I said: they will realise something is different when they realise I have stopped texting them!! After all, we didn't tell them we were leaving since they never told us that their service had stopped. I felt no loyalty to them.
After 5 days they asked how things were going and we told them we no longer needed them. They said oh!
Incidentally I used to send tweets to the head office of our old provider: they never replied.
Another case of monopoly madness.
I wrote a long and solidly constructed piece for this post then I lost it, in the spirit of this weekend.
Bottom line: I did a job that should have brought me £0.50 per unit. I have been paid £0.04 per unit. It's a matter of control over channels in the same way that I have no control over the awful broadband connection I suffer from here.
So, shit happens as they say :)
The cat you see is scraping some fish off the road for breakfast.
The cat got a whole fish from the rubbish bin and took it there to eat: middle of the road in a car park.
A car came along and as the cat was reluctant to move, the driver very carefully inched the car forward. He didn't see the cat moving out of the way so he reversed the car until he saw the cat again. The cat had moved out of the way but now it came back.
The driver then drove to the right then the left as he tried to ensure he didn't kill or injure the cat. He was successful: the cat survived!
What the driver did do was to drive over the fish that the cat left on the road. Hence flat fish but not flat cat!
For some reason I decided I wanted to make some flat bread. Today I did it!
I didn't have yoghurt so I used milk instead. Otherwise, so simple and they turned out pretty well. I turned one of them into a pizza!!
I was woken this morning by cramps in my left calf. Horrific. Extremely painful. It wouldn't stop. Eventually I was able to move to get out of bed but I cannot remember such a bad attack.
Our wifi is currently broken ... for the EIGHTH time this month. Not bad since it's only 13th January.
Our water pump stopped working this morning too: ants had been crawling through it and shorted it out. It's ok now thankfully.
Daughter Abi is 7 months old now and can crawl and stand using furniture. Hooray!
As everyone was getting ready this morning I checked on Abi in the living room: she was standing, holding on to the settee. She was alone and I thought, she'll be fine. And she was.
After a few minutes I went back in the room to see she had crawled quite a way across the room.
I left her and she started calling so I shouted back for her to follow me. She did. As I waited, I saw her appear in the doorway ... then suddenly ... boof! Her hand stuck to the floor and as she motioned forward that caused her head to go down instead of along.
She got a temporary fat lip and dented pride.
Otherwise, all is well!!!
I know the weather has been bad in lots of places but the Christmas holidays have been and gone now for most people. So as you settle back in at work or college or even at home, here's wishing you a happy new year 2016.
Before Christmas I called my old friend Malcolm in Halifax for a chat and we talked about this and that, as usual.
Since he has no real idea of where I am living and what it's like, he asks me questions about all sorts of things, including the weather.
I told him it was winter now, the dry season: it probably won't rain again until April next year, possibly, I said. Oh! He said.
Of course, within two hours of ending the call, we had at least an hour of solid rain here!!!