
The Train

The train arrived almost on time and i decided to sit near the front to make it easier on arrival.

Horror! Every seat was reserved in the first carriage i went into. I dumped my suitcase and carried on. The next carriage had no reserved seats and there was only one other passenger in there so i sat exactly where i wanted.

I did some chatting online and a lot of work then decided it was coffee time. I threaded my way to the buffet car and bought a good cup of coffee and a slice of lemon drizzle cake. £2.50, not bad.

I threaded my way back to my seat and as i did so, one chap looked at me in that, what are you doing going backwards and forwards through MY carriage kind of way? I carried on.

That carriage between my carriage and the buffet car was the only carriage i had to go through and it was full!

My carriage, on the other hand, has only one passenger in it ... me! So there's no need for anyone to look askance at anyone is there!


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