
Gordon Brown WILL Survive

I feel the need to let you in on what appears to be a massive secret in the UK’s political world: Gordon Brown is our Prime Minister today and he will be our Prime Minister tomorrow and even at least up until the next general election.

Brown became PM because of an apparent deal done many years ago. Moreover, the Labour Party went through a sham election to put him in place as it fielded no candidate to oppose him. They are seriously regretting that action now.

Brown is commonly referred to as being unlikeable and difficult to work with. Well, he’s been a senior member of the Labour Party for a very long time so that can hardly be a surprise to anyone now can it? That’s not to defend Brown in any way since I don’t known him at all. Additionally,the people who say he is difficult to work with might be the very ones who have lost out to him in some way and are therefore venting bile. The same happened to Tony Blair who was criticised by the likes of that Claire Short who fell foul of Blair at some stage so she decided to vent bile against him.

Let me also say that Brown was a dreadful Chancellor of the Exchequer at least for building an Economy on sand: the sand of over extensive credit, loans and mortgages … just look at the car industry and the housing market now. The market for cars has collapsed by an average or around 30% over the last year as the availability of credit has collapsed … the car industry propped up by credit and not prosperity. House price inflation raged as the easing of the mortgage market took off: self certification, 100% – 125% mortgages and so on.

As to Brown’s Prime MInisterial life, he will survive for the simple reason that if he is thrown out, the Labour Party will be forced to hold a general election, whether by law or by political machination doesn’t matter. If there is a general election now the Tories will get in despite the fact that they unelectable as is the Liberal Democratic Party. Don’t forget, MPs are politicians first so they will not shoot themselves in the foot by ousting Brown.

What will happen is they will give Brown a slapping. He will be allowed to stay in post until the next General Election and then he will be ditched. Labour will probably lose the next Election next year anyway but at least by waiting for a year or so, they might be able to regain some of the ground they are currently losing to the opposition parties.

Finally, we have been hearing over the last few weeks that Labour MPs have to rally round and unite for the sake of the Labour Party. Aye, there’s the rub! These people in Parliament are more worried about the Party than they are about the country and the likes of you and me. I have written before about the demolishing of the Party system and stress again: political parties lead to party politics which lead to in fighting and short term politics. Get rid of it.

Brown is here to stay, for now!


1 comment:

duncanwil said...

So there you are ... told you so!

Brown survived and whilst I got the result right, even I might have over estimated the slapping he got. It sounds as if he got off relatively lightly.

I wonder if the newspapers and news channels will invite me to explain to them how these things work?

Of course not since they are still suggesting that there was a serious plot to dethrone him.