
BBC Reporting from India

What are these people trying to say?

Most reports from Mumbai at the moment are trying to analyse the recent terrorist outrage there. Then they talk about the relationships between India and Pakistan because of the suggestion of the links between the terrorists and Pakistan.

However, they say, "... Relationships between NUCLEAR ARMED Pakistan and India ..." Yesterday a reporter said something like, "... the twin nuclear armed countries, India and Pakistan ..."

What on earth are these people saying and suggesting? Where are the editors? Why are these fly in, fly out reporters given the freedom to say such stupid things in the name of news?

No doubt John Simpson will be waddling through the situation with his own brand of analysis soon. He is the BBC's WORLD editor, after all!!


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duncanwil said...

Even The Straits Times is at it. The sub title of an article today on India and Pakistan relations included the word nuclear.


Andrew Williamson said...

Madness isn't it. I bet there are people with their fingers secretly crossed, baying for a nuclear conflict.