
UK GDP Analysis of Quarters 2 and 3

Following my earlier post on the me, me, me syndrome, here is my initial analysis of the data from the Office of National Statistics for you. I have converted the text on the page I sent you to into tabular format and from there have prepared two pie charts.

These additional resources will help you with your understanding. There is a further chart on the ONS page that I haven’t included here.

Go to http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=192 for the original data. What follows is my analysis

Analysis of UK GDP: Quarters 2 and 3 for 2008 Analysis of UK GDP:
Quarter 3 for 2008
Analysis of UK GDP:
Quarter 2 for 2009
  Q3 Q2
GDP Whole Economy -0.5 0
Construction -0.8 -0.5
Total Production Output -1 -0.7
Manufacturing -1 -0.9
Mining and Quarrying -0.7 -0.1
Electricity, gas and water -1 -0.1
Services -0.4 0.2
Distribution, hotels and restaurants -1.7 0.2
Transport, storage and communications -0.6 1
Business services and finance -0.4 0.1
Government and other services 0.4 0.2
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.5 0.4
Source: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=192    





Unknown said...

Hey there,

I was wondering if you could help me out?

I followed your instructions perfectly

But when I do it for my real calculation, it gives me #Value at the first minverse command (yep I held down SHIFT and CTRL). And it was working fine in your example.

What I think I have wrong is the column A as that appears to be a different calc?

duncanwil said...

Jay, I hope you read this as I don't know your email address.

I have put together a spreadsheet ffor you that solves the additional question I set on my web page ... it contains the setup and the solutions so you can check what you have done.

Array entering is by CTRL + SHIFT and ENTER not just SHIFT and CTRL as you wrote ... just in case it wasn't a typo!!

If this doesn't solve your problem, write again and send me your file this time and I will see what I can do. Use the address on my site ...