
Software Woes

We need to rise up and be strong. I BOUGHT Dreamweaver CS3 the other day but after installation I spent 5-6 hours trying to get it to run. I sent a plea for help to Adobe and I have still heard nothing. I got onto a Dreamweaver forum and my sanity was restored by Dave who gave me the solution to the problem. Dave suffered like me and got his solution via has laptop maker, not Adobe. Without Dave I would be even more frustrated and as far as I know, Dave is not a geek and is just a victim like the rest of us. In the middle of this latest nonsense, I consulted a Solicitor (lawyer/attorney) over my rights when I buy goods that are possibly not of merchantable quality ... waste my time trying to get them to work ... and if I had not got a solution I might well have considered legal action. In the future, you might well see me in Court ... fighting for the little guy! DW

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