
Google's Chrome Browser

I downloaded and started using google’s Chrome web browser because I was sick to death of seeing Internet Explorer using as much as 100 megabytes of memory to bring me what often looked like the simplest of html pages. 

At first Chrome used up a lot less memory. Then I noticed yesterday that it was using THREE instances of memory ... don’t know how to say that really. All added up to about 70 – 80 Mb of RAM. 

I have just looked again and today Chrome is currently nestling in 105 Mb of RAM plus  25Mb of RAM and 43 Mb of RAM ... worse than IE, I can hardly believe it. They really are all the same these people. What is all that nonsense about Chrome being an new operating system within a browser and being more efficient and the rest of it? Bullspoo that's what! 



Pat R said...

it's funny, the more i use Chrome, the more unstable it seems to get; it crashes a lot more, can't handle sites with flash, hangs every time i close a tab... all that to say, i'm switching back to Firefox

duncanwil said...

Thanks for that Patrick. I can't say that Chrome crashes on me every time I close a tab but everything else you say is true. I also think there are things other than flash that Chrome can't handle. Don't know exactly what because the sites don't open! Doh!

There are also sites that say, we don't recognise your browser ... klm.com being one. And, funnily enough, microsoft.com is another. No surprise to that latter one then!


Unknown said...

Dad, read the manual Chrome opens a separate memory process for each tab. Therefore if a tab becomes unstable then simply close the tab and the browser should stay up. I think that this is a step forward and all the major browsers will soon do this. However, Chrome is flakey and I am now back to using firefox.

duncanwil said...

Didn't know that! haven't read the manual either! Still, it's using major amounts of memory: much more than IE.

Initially, Chrome seemed to use only a fraction of the memory that IE used. Is there an issue here I wonder: the more we use Chrome the more memory it needs ... some kind of accumulation or legacy issue?