
Wolf and Sheep's Clothing

Ever been tempted by those astonishing offers whereby you are told you can share in many milions of Dollars if only you would help someone you have never met.

Of course, it's all rubbish and having shared your full bank details with these people they simply walk into your bank account and steal all of the money in it.

Well now, they have put the wolf in sheep's clothing. I just received the following message an hour or so ago. These people are evil predators. Don't fall for their horrible tricks.

Their cruddy message follows:


This email is not in any manner directed to you, but its purposely and specifically directed to Nigeria Scam victims. . However, if you have fallen for Nigerian Scams, do not hesitate to contact us or visit our website for more details on how we can help.

We shall be waiting to hearing from you been certain that you were truly scammed by a Nigerian and you have proves to back your claims. Please read the full report at our website: ... URL deleted to protect the unwary.

Yours faithfully,

Brian Adams

Nigerian Government Reimbursement Committee

Message ends

Please be careful.


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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