
Tracking Spyware

So I have built my on computer (with the help of son Andrew in view of TWO new motherboards having failed on me) and have been running it since Saturday: that’s only four days.


I have been using my paid up version of the excellent AVG anti virus software and have just got their free upgrade that includes an anti spyware utility. Beggar me but it’s found 130 spyware infections and it’s only about one third of the way through its scan.


Dear Spyware routine writers: if ever I get to know about a product or service that I have been invited to buy and there is anything like a spyware routine behind it, I will NEVER buy it. In the words of Dr Ian Paisley, Never, Never, Never, Never. Moreover, I will tell the world and his wife that those products are spyware infected. You are wasting your time.



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