
A Film

I am easily confused as far as films are concerned. If ever a film hasflashbacks in it I have enormous bother sometimes trying to unravel today with yesterday or last year or whenever it was that they flashed back to.

That's partly by the way! I watched half of the film The Departed the other day and was absolutely confused because it stars both Leonardo diCaprio and Matt Damon. I find these two chaps so similar that I have to confess that I sat on the edge of reason for the entire film working out who was working with Jack Nicholson and who was trying to jail him!

Well, I didn't see the entire film because the DVD was either corrupt or it contained only the first hour of the thing. Wonder what happened in the end then?

A Database

I have been working on a product cost system for years now but recently I took a decision to put it into database form rather than in spreadsheet form. I have made really good progress in learning how to program the database but one thing had me flummoxed ... Until now.

I am getting ready for a presentation to a potential client for Thursday and was determined to program the stock sheets. For some reason I just couldn't get this bit to work. I know spreadsheets well and can program advanced things (apart from VBA). I used what I knew about =sum() in Access but it just didn't work. I've got three good books and the Help Files and still it wouldn't work.

Until I put the function in this format =sum([units received]).

That did it.

As I was about to get into bed last night I had another epiphany: I saw the way forward to the departmental cost schedule. I think. I am about to try that now.

Well done!


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