
Don't you just hate it when: you go to a web site for the second time, having set your user name and password on the first visit, only to be asked to input them again ... and again on the third visit ... and again on the nth visit? you go to a supermarket or other self service shop to find that a woman (never a man, note, unless he has tattoos, earrings and is wearing a baseball cap) is blocking the very shelf that you NEED with her body, her trolley (parked longitudinally and not latitudinally) and children if appropriate? That woman will then amble through the things she wants at turtle neck speed until she is comfortable. Don't you just feel like dashing to the local self protection shop to buy one of those 20,000 volt zappers, dashing back to the supermarket and zapping these oh so slow shoppers? The first of these just happened to me at Blogger.com for the umpteenth time and the second of them happened yesterday at Waitrose: not once, not twice but three times in one visit. Mrs W has a cold or flu and is incapacitated hence my reluctant retail experience. End of first rant for a while! DW

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