
I've been busy at eBay recently and almost fell for a scam that could have wiped out all of my assets. I got an email from aw-confirm@ebay.com that asked me to update my eBay registration details. I have to confess that the message is unusual in terms of the grammar they use; but I won't reveal here what it is otherwise the thieves will change it for their own betterment. I did start filling in their online form until I spotted that they asked for my credit card details, eBay does that; but then they asked for the 4 Digit code used in ATMs. I KNOW that no self respecting organisation would ever ask me that: not even my bank does that. So I contacted eBay's security people and sent them the message's header and other information that just might lead to these awful people being put behind bars. If ever in doubt contact eBay's security team and send them everything they need then delete the spurious message and if by chance you have opened any web pages, close them without entering any details. DW

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